About Ethan
As someone who has been a skateboarder for over 20 years, creativity and freedom of expression have always been a staple in Ethan’s life. He has worked as a professional body piercing artist since March of 2011. Only taking a short break from piercing while having a broken wrist. During this time he sold home security then went back to piercing full time. Ethan began offering hand-poked tattoos as a way of offering tattoos to the many clients who have asked him for tattoos over the years of working in tattoo shops. Hand-poked (or stick and poke) tattoos felt more natural to Ethan than running a machine due to his extensive experience in body piercing where he holds a needle and works with skin. The transition to applying a tattoo in this manner has worked better for him than running a machine. Ethan has been dabbling in making art for a number of years but it wasn’t until Christmas of ‘23 when he received his first watercolor palette that he committed to beginning a journey of being more dedicated to his art production. In his first year of creating watercolor paintings, he sold just over $4000 in art. Ethan is also the vocalist for the band Pissbrick.